Sunday 30 May 2010

'Fine Tune' With Yourself

It is quite amazing how some words elevates us to a restful mode even by just reading them. I have been keeping this for many years now and I wanted to share with all of you, hoping that you may be able to feel the same calming & relaxing experience that this gives. But the best thing to do is to let ourselves encounter what these words is telling us.

It is true that most of us are preoccupied with so many things in our lives and while we always connect to the world with just a click, we never realize what we're missing the most. It is the connection to our own selves that's the most important of all.

Read on.. but slowly.

"Many of us are overworked and overstressed.
We need to rest our bodies and our minds
so that we can 'fine tune' with ourselves,
with others and with God.

Take a break. Take a walk.
Commune with nature.
Watch the sunset. Enjoy the moon.
Turn off your gadgets and just allow yourself to be open to the Divine.

Let go. Let things be.
God is in charge.

Experience the resting power of sleep.
Smile at the sky. Walk the Earth.
Whistle a happy tune, a hum or a favorite melody.

And just thank God you're still alive."

I have to thank the author, who I lost the name, and I really have to apologize that I couldn't remember anymore where I found this inspirational piece. But just in case that you would come across this page, please write a line, so I can give enough credit to whom it's due. Thank you. -TsoCoLate-

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