Monday 14 June 2010

How Do You Know Whether Its Infatuation or Real Love?

This was an excerpt from a Friday mag, in the popular G*Nice column which has been my all-time-favorite page in the magazine.

One of his readers threw this killer question which says, "How do you know whether the feelings you have is infatuation or real love?". And he proposed that the potential answer, if there's such a thing.. a mighty complex thing, is personal to each of us.

He wrote...

"I guess that all hook-ups start with infatuation which is officially defined as 'a foolish, unreasoning or extravagant passion or attraction'. Surely some things in life should be driven by emotions alone, above all other more logical rationale. If that makes me foolish and unreasoning, then so be it."

"I mean, it's not like buying a car - where mileage, previous owners and a scratch on the body work are key considerations. Where relationships are concerned, my advice is just jump in and see how it feels when you are driving, how well it handles on the open road with the top down, and more importantly, how it handles on sharp bends, wet roads and heavy traffic!"

"The only part of the definition that I am totally feeling is the extravagant passion/attraction, which should be omnipresent at all times if initial infatuation develops into that crazy little thing called love."

"Infatuation might have that feeling of the short-lived about it and if it does, then that's the thing to place your trust in - just enjoy it for what it is. Like ice cream."

Like ice cream?

"Most of us love ice cream and can gorge ourselves on it with great pleasure but there comes a time when we know that we have to balance our diet with something that's a bit more nutritious."

"You never stop loving ice cream and should never deny yourself that pleasure, but we all know that it best exists when consumed alongside other foodstuffs rich with vitamins, minerals and goodness."

"I think that infatuation is much like the instant hit that you get from the perfect snack at just the right time, whereas real love delivers the all-consuming hit that you can only get from a truly awesome meal that has all the flavours that make the lips tingle and the stomach full to the point of a contented tummy patting and ultimately the loosening of the belt!"


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