Monday 7 June 2010

Lucky Coin

I was standing near a parking ticket machine beside the road to hail a cab when I saw a guy trying to get a ticket for his parking but his coin could not get through. I saw him tried over and over again and I have thought that the machine could be faulty. He glanced over my direction as if he was aware that I am watching him and smiled. He tried twice again his coin but the machine still keeps on giving it out, instead of a ticket.

He approached me for a coin. So I looked in my purse and at the best of his luck, I have there one single coin. I handed it over to him and he gave me the coin which the machine did not accept. When he inserted the coin I gave him, he got his parking ticket in a second. He smiled again at me and said, ‘Lucky Coin!’ and thanked me.

While am seated inside the cab, I wondered.. ‘How many lucky coins do we have in our lives?' They are those little things which practically save us from real troubles and unwanted incidents. We could be receiving our lucky coins everyday but maybe we’re just too passive to notice them.

It could be that unwanted call that brings good news, or an accidental acquaintance from nowhere who became a valuable contact eventually, or a friend calling you when you lost your way and you run out of credit on your phone.

And we, in some ways, could be a lucky coin, too – to others – just like my story in the beginning of this blog. When you will be reading between the lines, it’s not really the coin that got the guy lucky but it is my presence at the same place where he needs some luck.

Lucky coins, I believe, duplicates itself more often than usual. Be a lucky coin to others and you’ll attract more of them in your lives. Or do it the other way around – Pick ‘em up and give ‘em away.

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    TsoCoLate Says:
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