Wednesday, 24 May 1995

Glimpse of Summer

Darkened skies
Droplets of rain
Makes me realize
Summer has faded away.
Looking back to the days
When summer’s still here
Oh, how I missed the sun
All the laughters and tears.
I remember the hidden smiles
Cokes and potato fries
I remember the heartache
It  was not  just a piece of cake!
The cold winds’ gentle blow
Summer’s gone, I should know
Everything’s over and blown
A  drop of rain kissed my nose!
Rays of sun to drops of rain
Bright skies now dark and blue
Joys of heart turned to pain
All these are signs – I’m missing you!

Monday, 15 May 1995

What If?

What if the birds get tired of flying
And the earthworms hated the mud?
What if the rain stopped  falling
                And flood suddenly becomes blood?
What if the skies turned black
                And the stars never again twinkled?
What if dawn failed to come
                And the sun forever was hidden?
What if the sea burst out  in the desert
                And the ocean doesn’t touch the shore?
What if the Earth meets a comet
                And there is no reason of living for?
No matter what happens, my friend –
                I’ll always be real
By your side, I’ll never vanish
                Coz’  our love has a seal!

Tuesday, 2 May 1995

Be Positive

When the raging waves against you soar
And its hard to swim towards the shore
When you pray for the sun to shine
But still hard rain pours down
It  wasnt easy to walk towards East
When everybodys heading for the West
Its tough to climb a mountain so  high
When here in land you already sigh,
“Oh my, I can’t do this, I’ll fail,
I give up”,  is all you  can tell
That  kind of attitude, as everybody says-
Never would  help you survive a day!
 May 2, 1995