"When you shut your ears from the noise of the outside world,
the only sound that you can hear is the beat of your heart..
And then your mind will begin to wander -
How you rush with the time to get things done..
Not having a minute of silence to ponder on the beauty of the world and of life..
When was the last time you walk unhurriedly to glimpse at the beauty of the flower,
or appreciate the warmth of the morning sun and the hope it brings?
When did you last felt the gush of wind that kissed your face and blown your hair,
or the last time you appreciated the beauty of the trees and got amazed with the sea?
When did you last wished upon the stars, gaze at the moon -
and ask them to guide you to make your dreams come true?
When did you last laugh like there is no place for worries and troubles in your mind?
When did you last smiled because there is joy in your heart?
When you shut your ears off from the noise of the outside world -
You can only hear the sound of your heartbeat..
And believe that life exists."
When the noise of the world isn't leaving you even in bed and you're starting to miss precious hours of sleep, try some earplugs. It did worked for me. And yes, I heard the sound of my heartbeat..