Tuesday 27 July 2010

What's for Breakfast?

“Goodmorning Mr. Sun!”

I remember how the little kids would open up their eyes in the morning. The first thing they will notice is the brightness that surrounds them and they knew for sure that it is because Mr. Sun is already up that’s why they have to wake up. Oh, we all have to thank Barney for that!

But I would say, “Thank you, Dear God, for another day."

How often do we thank God for our ‘everyday’? For each morning that we open up our eyes to, for the foods that we eat, for the career that we have, for every friend that we got, for our family who loves us the most .. and for the many other things in our lives.

And now I just told him, “Thank you, Dear God, for giving me this time to be able to think and ponder what I want to pursue in my life but please lead my direction so I would not lose my way.”

There is this pressing force inside me for being out-of-job at the moment but I know that I am more at peace now with the world knowing that I have this ‘freedom’ to bring myself again to a new road towards self-fulfillment.

Well, I am hoping that I would soon find that road leading to my wishes.

I have to go back to my hula routines again. Been lazy about doing it for days now. Sometimes I intentionally try not to do things that must be done because it interrupts my ‘brain flow’ especially when I am in a state of calamity.

You might say that it’s an exaggeration. Maybe.

But I need to think and plan and act. Well, I think I’ve been doing this stuff for a month now.

Results? NIL.

I played my friends’ CD of hip Arabic music and took my hula hoop and tried my best to relax while I’m playing the hula, trying to keep it from falling to my feet. One, two, three songs.. I’m beginning to feel my sweat. Nothing beats the feeling of revving up.

After two more songs, I need to rest. And I need coffee now.

While making myself a hot cup, I thought about a good breakfast meal. Everyday, it’s all about oatmeals and cereals and sandwiches and omelets. How about a real breakfast for today?

Fried rice. Egg cooked sunny-side-up. Beef tapa. Tomatoes. Some soup to go. Yummy! I then rummaged through the fridge for the tapa (there should be!).

My mind was floating while I am working in the kitchen. I am trying to ‘locate that road’. The road to my self-fulfillment: career-wise. I need a break. I want something new.

As I let the beef simmer in it’s sauce, I dissolve some ready-mixed soup into the water and let it cook for 5 minutes. I started preparing the fried rice after.

The smell of garlic surrounds the kitchen as I placed it in butter, when it’s starting to brown, I dropped the carrots that I chopped into little cubes then the rice follows. I sprinkled a little salt and some chopped spring onions for a twist. Done. My sunny-side-up egg is next. Picked some tomatoes to slice (taking off everything inside).

I cannot believe that I am doing this on an ordinary day. When I have a full-time job, all I do after I wake up in the morning is run for bath and fix myself a cup of instant coffee. The 3-in-1 kind because it saves time. Then I would dress up and hit the road.

This day is a special day.

“Bless me, Oh Lord, and these Thy gifts which I’m about to receive from Thy bounty, through Christ, our Lord. Amen.”

Good breakfast, indeed.

*Tapa is a way of marinating meat in soy sauce and a few spices and letting it simmer with its own sauce and a little oil.

Photo Credit: landolakes.com

1 comment:

  1. Posted at http://tsocolategirl.blog.com
    Submitted on 2010/08/12 at 6:48am

    Ooohh, Just wanted to respond. I thoroughly loved your post. Keep up the great work. :)

    From: Amacher12@gmail.com
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