Saturday, 15 October 2011

Not Goodbye But Goodnight

Close your eyes, Daddy
And lay down to your rest,
We all know how much you're tired now-
Much more pain we wouldn't let.
Close your eyes now, Daddy
We'll all stand close by,
But we'll only say 'Goodnight, Daddy'
And not the sad goodbye.

Close your eyes now, Daddy
And worry for us no more,
The days ahead will be different-
But you'll just be up there for sure,
We know that you won't leave us
By closing your eyes we knew-
You'd be our angel in heaven
And you'll be watching us through.

Close your eyes now, Daddy
We'll have tears for a while,
As your presence here on Earth
Will be missed all the time,
But Daddy we assure you
That in our hearts you'll live,
So goodbye this is not gonna be-
But just goodnight in serenity.

Close your eyes now, Daddy
As we kiss you goodnight,
We'll hold your hand for the last time
But it will never be goodbye,
God awaits you in His embrace
While all the angels in Heaven sings-
Their hymns and praises as they welcome
Another child of our Almighty King.

-by TsoCo Lat-
15 October 2011

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